Patient Responsibilities

To have dietary preferences as per the ailment likes and dislikes

To ask related to any worship requirements, or any specific requirements after death. Rights to specify and fulfill their wishes

To respect for privacy during examination, procedures and treatment

Patient’s cultural, psychosocial, spiritual and personal values, beliefs and special preferences are respected and are considered during the process of care delivery.

To get protected from unwanted examination

To maintain personal privacy and dignity

To have special precautions especially with respect to vulnerable patients. E.g. Elderly, neonates, physical and mentally challenged, comatose, anaesthetized patients.

To get protected from neglect or any kind of abuse.

Patient name, health records and patient’s information will be maintained confidentially by the organization

Confidential information such as HIV/MTP will not be revealed at public places

Public related discussions are avoided by staff in public places

Aware of plan of treatment including diagnosis, progress, risks, alternatives and benefits, expected results provided by the consultant.

To get sufficient health education and special health educational needs

Health care needs are addressed which includes:

  • Safe and effective use of medication
  • Food drug interaction
  • Side effect of medication
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Immunizations- Influenza, Streptococcus Pneumonia, Typhoid, Hepatitis B, Neisseria Meningitides
  • Breast feeding
  • Infection control practices
  • Life style modification
  • Avoid alcohol when taking Metronidazole

To get educated on pain management techniques, specific disease process, complication, prevention strategies and how to prevent healthcare associated infections, in understandable language.

To get explanation about the proposed care including risk, alternatives and benefits, referral to internal or external Doctor in an understandable language.

Awareness on the person who will perform the procedure in understandable language.

Made aware on hand-washing techniques, overcrowding near to the patients, visitors policy.

To choose his/her treatment option provided by consultant

To refuse to get treated in Hospital despite of the consequences explained by the doctor

To seek second opinion inside / outside hospital regarding treatment

To get General consent form during admission

For procedure / surgery

For transfusion of blood & blood components.

For restraining patient

For initiation of any research protocol

To provide prior informed consent before making of recordings, films or other images that may be used externally.

For anaesthesia & other invasive / high risk procedures / treatment.

Doctor performing the procedures explains the informed consent.

Aware that one witness will be available during informed consenting process.

Aware that the risk, benefits and alternatives is communicated effectively by the doctor before consenting.

Through the suggestion box provided at various areas of hospital

Complaints are addressed through patient feedback form to capture patient satisfaction level

Aware that patient experience is also monitored by the Hospital with regard to Hospital environment (cleanliness, quietness), responsiveness of hospital staff, communication with Doctors and nurses, Pain Management, Discharge information, overall rating of the Hospital by the Patient welfare department.

To contact Internal Complaint Committee member for addressing their grievances. For member details, contact enquiry / reception staff.

Aware that the feedback & complaints are reviewed & analysed by hospital heads and the corrective action is updated to the patient/ attender.

After the discharge of the patient, patient welfare team does phone call to patient to enquire the experience. Based on the oral feedback, corrective actions are taken.

To get awareness on pricing policy (Consultation charges, bed charges, nursing charges, security deposit etc) in different settings like outpatients emergency, ICU & Inpatient.

To know about financial implications whenever there is change in the care plan.

To get explained on expected cost of treatment (including consultation, procedure and investigation) and care.

Access to view all relevant information or critical evaluation through:

  • Proper reason to access relevant information
  • Letter from patient/ blood relative
  • Authorization signatory from Medical Director. Additional sign from ARMO in case of MLC/ expired patients.
  • After verifying the ID proof and relationship proof with patient, MRD issues a copy of relevant information records

Violation of patient & family rights will be monitored, analysed & action will be taken by hospital heads.

To get explained on the results of all diagnostic tests in broad terms and their implication on progress and treatment.

Informing about result of diagnostic test & the diagnosis by the concerned staff.

Awareness on possible complication.

Awareness on any change in patient condition in a timely manner.

Avail multidisciplinary counseling especially for critically ill patients, potential organ donors and family, long stay patients, whenever needed.

Aware on the name of the treating doctor, careplan, progress of patient and healthcare needs

To request for additional information on a particular Physician in terms of Qualification and Experience.

To get relevant information on clinical evaluation.

Aware that withholding of resuscitation request shall be discussed in consideration with ethical and legal parameters.

Aware that in case of life threatening situations, if the patient is incapable and next of kin is not available, then the treating doctor and another clinician can decide to safeguard patient’s life.

Abide by the hospital rules & regulations.

Expected to provide complete, accurate personal detail, medical and surgical history

Information regarding health & disease.

Follow the “NO SMOKING” policy of the hospital within the premises.

Respect the rights of other patients, doctors, nurses and other staff of the hospital

Do not keep any valuables in your possession

Settle bills on time

Follow the treatment plan specified by the Physician during admission and after discharge

Safeguard the Hospital property.


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